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Udara as the name sounds simply mean,
If it falls you lick .
Udara is a female deity of fertility and protection.
Udara is believed to be the mother of Akwari Omumu, udara mutara Akwari Omumu.
Udara is a very powerful tree and an abode of the spirit of Dead ancestors and that of the unborn children.
It is forbidden in some igbo communities to pluck the Udara seeds.
Udara tree wade off untimely death and spirit of barrenness any where it grows,
Udara is not planted by anyone and it is an abomination to cut down this tree of fertility, the giver of children without proper consultation and appeasement,
It is an abomination to defeacate under an Udara tree, udara is feared in most part of igboland because it is believed to be the home of the spirits.
People rarely visit udara at night.
In some community in igbo land, udara is not owned by any one and no one harvest the seed for sale for it is regarded as selling children in the market.
Udara tree can live upto 1000 years. The bark and leaves of the udara tree is used to cure fever and some minor sickness
Credit:Igbo History

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