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Idi Amin Dada Oumee, a military President of Uganda 🇺🇬 (1971-1979) once said, Political Independence without economic Independence is useless.

Approximately 150,000 tonnes of uranium have been extracted by the majority state-owned French company Areva, which is now one of the largest uranium producers in the world. The two mines around Arlit – Somaïr and Cominak – account for around a third of the multi-billion-dollar company’s total global production.
France uses this uranium to generate nuclear power, some of which is sold on to other European countries. According to Oxfam, over one-third of all lamps in France light up thanks to uranium from Niger.
Paradoxically it is sad to know that ,
Niger Republic has one of the lowest consumptions of electricity in the world; only 14.3% of Niger citizens have access to the grid, and even those with a connection suffer from frequent brownouts and blackouts, relying on their neighbouring country Nigeria for power.
As population density is extremely low – less than half the African average – there is a strong case for off-grid lighting and energy solutions, according Lighting report of 2021
The following countries are the top producers of uranium, based on 2019 figures:
Kazakhstan - 22,808 tons
Canada - 6,936 tons
Australia - 6,613 tons
Namibia - 5,476 tons
Niger - 2,983 tons
Russia - 2,911 tons
Uzbekistan - 2,404 tons
China - 1,885 tons
Ukraine - 801 tons
South Africa - 346 tons
That is relying on report of 21
The big question now is, what makes a state an Independent state when it does not take charge of her economic minerals and resources? Is Niger Republic with her political Independence truly an Independent state economic wise? Idi Amin Dada Oumee may have been right. At this point it may not be too wrong if one may say, Niger Republic is Politically a sovereign State But economically a slave to France .

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