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Dubious people are peddling this black oily substance which they purportedly claim to be crude oil. According to them, it is for resolving all human problems ranging from health, spiritual, social etc.

Honestly, such a claim is lacking every basic scientific and spiritual principles. At the end of this write up, you will be surprised to hear what I found out about this substance but before then, let me quickly narrate what was blaring out of their loud speakers and I quote,
"this is 100% crude oil, not manufactured by man but made naturally in the ground by God. Some people have the problem of being rejected anywhere they go be it approaches for love, work or other things. Just drop seven drops of this crude oil in your bath water and use it to bath. That will be the end of that problem. If you have a serious case of cough, stomach ulcers, high BP, arthritis and many more, drop seven drops in cold water and drink 3 times a day and you are free. Women having reproductive problems and men having quick ejaculation and low sperm count should use it with hot water. If you have witches around your home, mix seven drops with your early morning urine and sprinkle all over your compound and that will be the end......." My brothers and sisters. How can someone be telling us these things in the very century we are in? Well, I was one of the many gullible ones who bought it. I didn't buy it because I want to use it. I bought it because I want to critically study it when I get home.
This is not crude oil. This is condemned oil from heavy duty diesel engines, properly mixed with little petrol. This underscores how creatively dubious our people are becoming by the day and calls for wisdom in buying products especially that has to do with health. I sincerely hope that the NAFDAC office attached to Abia State should look into this matter. Ndewonu!
By Kenneth Odoemena

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